Hopkins Ridge Wind Facility

PSE has owned and operated its first wind facility, Hopkins Ridge, since 2005. The facility covers 11,000 acres of land northeast of Dayton in Columbia County.

With a capacity of 156.7兆瓦, the 87 turbines at Hopkins Ridge produce an average annual output of about 404,000 megawatt hours, sufficient to power more than 35,000个家庭.

Hopkins Ridge benefits the surrounding community by creating jobs an commerce and providing leasing income for landowners. The facility also produces significant local tax revenue. 请查看 tours and recreation opportunities we offer at the facility.


  • The total height of each tower including the blades is 351 feet; its total weight is approximately 223 tons.
  • Towers are 221 feet high and weigh 77 tons.
  • Each turbine blade is 129 feet long and weighs over 7 tons.
  • The diameter of each rotor is larger than the wingspan of a Boeing 747.
  • Each generator produces 690 volts, which an onboard transformer then steps up to 34,500 volts.
  • The construction of each tower's foundation required 120 anchor bolts, 30,954年坚果, 和11,750 cubic yards of concrete.
  • Each anchor bolt is a minimum of 28 feet long and weighs approximately 150 lbs. For all 87 turbines at Hopkins Ridge, approximately 55 miles of foundation anchor bolts were installed.
  • Turbine generators are manufactured by Vestas. More Vestas wind-turbine facts.

The three large wind farms we own and operate, including Wild Horse, Lower Snake River and Hopkins Ridge, generate enough annual energy, 平均, 服务165人,000个家庭. 在某些情况下, we sell any excess green-energy attributes generated by our wind facilities to other entities across the nation. The revenue from these sales helps to reduce our customers’ power costs and allows other utilities to take advantage of the benefits of renewable energy.

Contact information

PSE老. Wind Resource Advisor

Hopkins Ridge Wind Facility
307 E. 主圣.